Element One




During all of my planning and teaching experiences, I have consistently demonstrated that I have a thorough knowledge of the NSW Board of Studies Syllabus outcomes. I believe that in order to be an effective teacher, I must ensure that all learning experiences are derived from the Syllabus, and to do this, I need to have a clear and practical understanding of the subject content of the Syllabus. 

A two week teaching experience in China, with no set curriculum and the opportunity to teach any content of my choice, made me understand the importance of a Syllabus. The experience made me appreciate the Syllabus we have, as it provides the backbone to all learning experiences and gives measurable outcomes.

I am familiar with the Quality Teaching Framework, and I strive to make all learning experiences have significance for my students. I believe that a quality learning environment is pivotal to allowing students to reach their potential, and I promote intellectual quality though facilitating high cognitive thought.

I believe that students can only learn effectively through meaningful and authentic learning experiences. I encourage students to draw on their prior knowledge and experiences to promote the transfer of knowledge, and to maximise the opportunity for students to succeed. For these reasons, I strongly believe in the integration of Key Learning Areas (KLAs) and I integrate as many units and lessons as possible.

I believe that ICT should be integrated meaningfully across all KLAs, and be used as a tool to teach the subject content of the Syllabus. In my teaching experiences, I have used ICT tools, such as Word Processors and the Internet,  to enhance learning and to promote student development in basic operational skills. My passion for ICT is reflected by my choice of ICT in the Primary Classroom as my fourth year preference subject. I need to further practice the skill of ICT integration during my next professional experience, and this is a skill that I am developing in this subject.